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What Makes the Perfect Picnic?

We all love our food and there is nothing more satisfying than digging into some of the little pleasures in life, like a classic ham salad sandwich with the perfect salad to ham ratio.

Here at Leny Estate, we are lucky enough to be surrounded by the beautiful Leny Hills and have the perfect setting for a picnic to allow you to escape the busy city life and tuck into some comfort food. There is nothing we love more than gathering up a picnic basket with our favourite nibbles and setting off on our tracks to enjoy a picnic in the rare Scottish summer weather!

Our love for the classic British picnic is shared amongst millions, so it should come as no surprise that there’s a whole day dedicated to the picnic. So mark your calendars, get your baking tools out and prepare yourself a picnic for the 23rd of April!

We have tasked ourselves with the challenge of designing our perfect picnic and wanted to share a few of our must-haves that will 100% be making their way into the basket.

Assortment of picnic tools on a tartan rug with an open hamper with wine and plates, wicker basket, bread, mugs, hurricane lamp crook and flask viewed from above

To a Sandwich

A picnic is not a picnic without the essential sandwich. Now there is no right or wrong way to make a sandwich, however, nothing beats a classic salad sandwich on a fresh slice of bread. Make sure to follow us on Instagram and tell us your sandwich of choice!

To Crisp or not to Crisp?

Whether you are a crisp sandwich person or straight from the packet – we will not judge. However, the humble crisp is one item that we will definitely be packing in our basket.

The Scottish Strawberry

Handcrafted baskets with fresh strawberries

One of Scotland’s rarest assets is its ability to grow the most amazingly juicy strawberries. There is nothing better than biting into a fresh strawberry under the Scottish sun, and we are lucky to be just 20 minutes away from a strawberry farm!

So Refreshing!

Every picnic needs its own carefully curated selection of drinks to get you from the starter to the afternoon snacks. We wanted to pack a range of different options to suit everyone’s mood. To start we picked a classic Irn Bru, followed by a flask of coffee in case it gets a little nippy near the end of the day, and finally we finished on a bottle of wine to sip on while you nibble on a few freshly-picked strawberries!

Leny Estate is the perfect place for the perfect picnic, and we’ll definitely be getting in the celebratory spirit this National Picnic Day. Follow us on our socials and tag us in your posts, and tell us what’s in your basket!

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